Folkwear Tibetan Chupa & Wrap Skirt #131
Folkwear Tibetan Chupa & Wrap Skirt #131 Folkwear Tibetan Chupa & Wrap Skirt #131 Folkwear Tibetan Chupa & Wrap Skirt #131 Folkwear Tibetan Chupa and Skirt Pattern Folkwear Tibetan Chupa & Wrap Skirt #131 Folkwear Tibetan Chupa & Wrap Skirt #131 Folkwear Tibetan Chupa & Wrap Skirt #131 Folkwear Tibetan Chupa & Wrap Skirt #131

Folkwear Tibetan Chupa & Wrap Skirt #131

$29.95 each
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Misses Extra Small to Extra Large

This wrapped jumper has a centuries-long history in Tibet. It is traditionally worn with added layers of aprons, woolen sashes, and a panel coat (like our 118 Tibetan Panel Coat). Worn alone or with a blouse (like our 111 Nepali Blouse), the Chupa is a beautiful contemporary garment.

The Chupa features an asymmetrical wrap front, front and back shaping darts, a wide neckband, simple faced armholes, and unique side extensions that wrap around the back to tie in front. The resulting silhouette is slim, yet the extensions enable enough legroom to make walking easier than most wrap skirts. Both the Chupa and Chupa-inspired wrap skirt can be made in the traditional ankle-length or below the knee length.

Suggested fabrics: Medium-weight cottons and blends such as denim, corduroy, velveteen, and poplin; medium-weight linen; medium-weight wool such as flannel, gabardine, and tweeds; medium-weight silk such as noil or tussah.

For a fun tutorial about sewing this pattern, please check out Sew Sew Live on Youtube and watch Saremy make it up!

More Information
• Brand Folkwear Historical Patterns
• Pattern Type Printed Paper Pattern
• Suggested Fabric Wovens
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